Contact Us is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization. Please review the "Current Needs" tab above to see how you can "fill in the gap" for a current missionary in need.
Potential Donors
Your donation allows us to connect with Christian missionaries and create partnerships around the world.
Click on the Donate button below to donate one-time or set up a monthly donation to GapFill. Be a part of the front lines here at for the needs of Christian missionaries. Thank you for your generosity.
Donations can also be mailed, Inc.
3145 E. Chandler Blvd
Suite 110-125
Phoenix, AZ 85048-8702
Please note on the donation the missionary name and specific item or project you would like your donation to go toward. Please also include your email or street address so a return receipt can be sent.
Overseas Donors:
Please donate online or email us at to receive the banking information regarding transferring of funds.
Thanks for giving!!!
Potential Missionaries
Missionaries who would like to be part of’s ministry can send the following preliminary information to:
Contact Information (name, home address, mission address, phone and email)
Christian Mission Organization you are affiliated with
Home Church affiliated with
As a full-time missionary are you fully funded? If not, how close are you?
Tell us about yourself, family and how Jesus Christ called you into mission work.
Tell us about your mission work and/or point us to a website/blog that does.
What one-time item/project need are you looking for GapFill to help support?
How did you hear about us?