Dental Need for Sheri Bedient

Sheri Bedient is a long time missionary with her husband Mike serving the Navigators in Russia and at Arizona State University (ASU). Unfortunately, Sheri, needs to have two of her teeth replaced and has no dental insurance...Ouch! 

Thanks to all who have donated thus far. Sheri has started her dental treatments and the implant process has begun as she works within the budget she has. Thank you, Logos Dentistry, for working in such a tight budget. Let’s give thanks and honor to Sheri for her years of service in Christian ministry by continuing to donate toward her needed dental work. Thank you in advance for any bit of help you can give.

About Mike and Sheri Bedient

Mike and Sheri Bedient have been serving the Navigators at Arizona State University (ASU) for 12 years.  Before that, they were serving in Russia bringing the gospel of Jesus to the Russian people.  When they returned from Russia, God spoke clearly that ASU would be a sending ministry, and sending it has been.  God has raised up and sent out staff from ASU's ministry to 7 different campuses and many of the students have been involved in overseas mission trips.  They are "students today and leaders tomorrow" who will not only impact college campuses, but the US and the world.