Help Build a School Pavilion in Liberia

School Pavilion being built

The building has begun!! Let’s keep the momentum going!!

Liberia is one of the most impoverished nations in the world.  The Liberian education system is emerging from a prolonged and brutally destructive period of civil unrest. Long standing impacts from the war, compounded by the 2015 school closure due to the Ebola Viral Disease (EVD) outbreak, then the COVID crises and other challenges continue to take a toll on the fragile education system. The children in rural areas lack access to healthcare and education opportunities. Due to parents’ lack of means, some rural children never attend school at all.

Why A Pavilion Project at Mission of Hope School? For over 3 years, the Zion Hill Baptist Church of Atlanta Georgia continues to sponsor a full, healthy meal program at the Mission of Hope School in Liberia.  The children are fed breakfast and lunch five days a week and even during the summer breaks. The meals continue to make a great impact and we see improvement in grades, health, behavior and attention span.

Their greatest challenge is the lack of a cafeteria or large assembly facility on the campus. As a result, the students eat outside on the ground under the trees or stand while eating in rainy season and dry season.  Since July 2021, it was decided to embark upon the construction of a Pavilion that could be used as a multi-purpose facility for eating, general assembly and meetings.  They have not completed the project due to lack of funds.

The Pavilion Project can make a difference by providing necessary opportunities to offer instruction, be a resource facility to help eradicate illiteracy and help children break the cycles of systemic poverty as well as eat in a clean and safe environment. has partnered with International Christian Fellowship Ministries of Atlanta to help in the construction. The construction cost of the Pavilion is $25,000. $7,000 has been raised already by International Christian Fellowship Ministries. GapFill donors have been slowly chipping away at this project with an estimated $15,000 remaining.

The building has begun!! Can you keep the momentum going? See the remaining materials needed. Thanks in advance for your generosity!

About Maryalice Omokeye Moses

Rev. Maryalice Omokeye Moses is a missionary in Liberia. She also has been serving as Global Missions Director for the past 10 years at International Christian Fellowship (ICF) Ministries in Atlanta. The founder is Dr. William BGK Harris. Maryalice is carrying on the legacy of Joy Campbell Flemister, an African American missionary, who established Youth of Life Mission (currently renamed to Mission of Hope) in the Folah Region of Bong County in 1954.